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Container Gardening: What Works Best

Hanging baskets

Similar to window boxes, hanging baskets are a great way to add a splash of healthy color to your home. Although dwarf and cherry tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables, they are popular plants to grow in hanging gardens. Herbsare also ideal for hanging baskets and can be planted on the edges.








Be creative!

Vegetables will grow in just about any container. Don’t limit yourself to using just pots, boxes or baskets bought from garden supply stores. Old paint cans or gallon milk jugs work well for root vegetables such as carrots or radishes, while large containers such as wooden barrels or even bathtubs can grow an enormous amount of food, including vegetables such as corn and tomatoes. Repurposing old containers found around the house is a great way to give your home a rustic do-it-yourself vibe. You can even paint your containers to make them even more beautiful. Just make sure to puncture a few holes into the bottom of whichever container you’re using so that the soil can drain properly.

What vegetables grow the best in containers?

Regarding the best vegetables to grow in containers, the sky’s the limit! Of course, the container you choose to use might cap the sort of vegetables you grow. For example, a one gallon container won’t provide enough space for carrots.

Before gardening your vegetables in a container, you’ll want to think about when you’d like to plan your harvest. Some vegetables, like radishes, grow quickly and can be harvested twice per season. Other plants, such as corn (which officially is a grain!), can only be harvested once per season. You may want to grow a blend of slower and faster growing vegetables in the same container to ensure you have vegetables throughout the entire season.