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Ask a Pro Q&A: Using a Vision Board to Achieve Design Dreams

Stuck in a decor nightmare? Wake up and envision your next home makeover! Dream Team member and interior design expert Jennifer Adams reveals how to make your design dreams come without the reality of rearranging! Find out how to create your own Decor Vision Board!

Ask a Pro Q&A: Using a Vision Board to Achieve Design Dreams -


Q. I always have a tough time deciding what kind of decor to purchase! I would love to create a welcoming space that my friends and family gush over, but it’s hard to figure out what goes together without actually seeing it in place. How can I create a visual layout without having to buy everything and possibly return it? Please help!

-Jen B.

A. First of all, I have to say you should always design your house so that you love it, not necessarily for your friends and family! You’re the one who spends the most time there. When you love your home, you will be happier and healthier, and that confidence will rub off on your friends.  Everyone will feel more comfortable in the welcoming space, including yourself.

In order to toss around ideas, try creating a Vision Board to help keep you from being overwhelmed! I use this tool all the time. It will help you narrow your options and make it easy to track down the items you really want and colors you like before actually buying them.

Start by collecting images from your computer or by cutting out pictures of things you like from magazines. Room pictures, individual items including furniture, art, accessories, whatever. Print out and physically place on a poster-sized piece of cardboard, or make a digital version on your computer. Add, then take away the less-strong pieces, and add more as you find them.

Take pictures of the pieces you’re keeping, too. If you were lucky enough to find a picture of a room that is exactly what you love and says it all, put that at the very center of your Vision Board. It’s OK if you didn’t find a picture like that, keep your eyes out… it will eventually emerge through the other images.

Do you see a common theme or color scheme? Look for shapes in common, such as boxy shaped furniture or curvy ones. Do your images include lots of fluffy pillows or a minimal amount? Dark wood tones or painted? This will be the start to defining your personal style, and an outline for when you shop for missing pieces.

Good luck and let me know how it goes!

-Jennifer A.