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Ask a Pro Q&A: Are Lobelia Plants Poisonous?

The blue flowering plant looks beautiful, but could it be poisonous? On this week’s installment of Ask a Pro, Dream Team member and Outdoor Design expert Carson Arthur talks about the controversial Lobelia plant and if it’s safe to have in your home.

Ask a Pro Q&A: Are Lobelia Plants Poisonous? -

Q: I bought some plants at the store today. I later found out it is a Lobelia flowering plant. It’s a beautiful blue color and I am excited to have it, but is it a poisonous plant?

-Carlene T.

A: Lobelia is one of those plants that has the experts split. It seems that some varieties are toxic to cats and dogs vs. other ones which have no issues at all. To be safe, plant them only out of reach of pets.

-Carson A.