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A Few Ideas for an Entertaining Family Game Night

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The room

Take a minute before your game night to look at the space where you’ll gather with your family. Is there enough seating for everyone? You’ll want to rearrange seating into a circle or semi-circular shape. If there aren’t enough chairs, pull cushions from the kitchen  or patio to fashion some temporary make-shift seating. When there isn’t enough seating, little kids often are made to sit on the floor. You may want to pick up special plastic chairs just for them that can be tucked away in the garage or in storage after you’re done playing games for the night. Attending to the needs of the youngest members of your family will help them feel more engaged during game night.


Surprise your family members by making each of them a trophy. Attach a small, plastic trophy to the top of a candy jar. Paint the trophies the favorite colors of each family member, and then fill the jars with their favorite candy or other treats. Don’t forget to add a blue ribbon!

While game night is one of the easiest ways to unwind after a busy week, taking a few minutes to go the extra mile will make each member of your family feel comfortable and loved. Enjoy!

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