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6 Tips for Water-Efficient Landscaping

Most people dream of a lush backyard oasis but don’t know how to turn it into a reality. We’re here to help! Here are six ways to show your neighborhood that the right landscaping can be both eco-friendly and stunningly beautiful!

6 Tips for Water-Efficient Landscaping -

1. Group Thirsty Plants Together

Some plants won't need more water than nature provides. However, if you've become enchanted with a few finicky plants that will need some extra help, place those plants together. That way you'll be able to give them the extra attention they need without watering the whole yard.


6 Tips for Water-Efficient Landscaping - bhgrelife.com2. Favor Native Plants

Native plants have adapted to your local environment, so they're more likely to flourish without constant watering. Research which plants are invasive, which plants are native, and which plants you should avoid. Plus, you can usually score budget-friendly soil testing and free DIY landscaping classes at a cooperative extension.


6 Tips for Water-Efficient Landscaping - bhgrelife.com3. Skip Container Gardening

Container gardening may seem like a poster child for water efficiency, but most of these gardens are water gluttons in disguise. Sure, a few potted geraniums on your porch probably won't bust your water budget, but these plants just can't tolerate dry soil, due to their comparatively shallow root systems. Have a heart and keep the plants you love in the ground where they belong.




6 Tips for Water-Efficient Landscaping - bhgrelife.com4. Reconsider Your Lawn

A lavish green lawn may increase curb appeal, but it can also suck your water budget dry. In drought prone areas like California, watering the lawn can become all too expensive! The most water-efficient option is to minimize the areas devoted to turf. Instead of an expansive lawn, try building a patio or deck for outdoor entertaining. You can also trade your grass for clover or another green, yet water smart, ground cover.

6 Tips for Water-Efficient Landscaping - bhgrelife.com5. Or Build a Better One

However, if you're not ready to part with your lawn just yet, you can make a few easy changes to diminish water usage. First, only fertilize your lawn in the fall to lessen the amount of water it needs. Next, aerate well. Those holes in your lawn will encourage deep root growth and increase water absorption. Finally, cut your lawn less often. Longer grass decreases evaporation and needs less water overall.

6 Tips for Water-Efficient Landscaping - bhgrelife.com6. Schedule Regular Checkups for Your Irrigation System

The good news is irrigation systems are more efficient than using a sprinkler and hose. But, the bad news is that most irrigation systems are still wasting valuable water. To make sure your system is working at peak efficiency, get a professional to check for leaks each year. Each watering zone should also be fitted with the right irrigation head. If you have more than one type of landscaping, you'll need a mixture of rotors, spray heads, and micro-irrigation to get the job done right. Also, be sure to install a rain sensor shut-off switch that will halt watering when your yard doesn't need it.

While a few rocks and some cacti were the pinnacle of water-efficient landscaping twenty years ago, you've got a lot more options to consider now. If you're overwhelmed, get a little outside help from a licensed landscape architect who can give you a few personalized suggestions. Then, get ready to plan, plant, and prune your way into the garden of your dreams.