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4 Important Purchases to Make for Your First Home - 4 Important Purchases to Make for Your First Home3. Gardening Gear

Gardening gear is different than lawn equipment; while you have to maintain your lawn, you aren’t required to plant beautiful, vibrant flowers to enhance the landscaping of your home. However, planting some fresh flowers and/or a vegetable garden can bring an abundance of enjoyment to your experience as a first-time homebuyer. It will also enhance the exterior appearance of your home, and may even provide you with a new hobby to enjoy for years to come. Some items to get you started on the path to creating a captivating landscape include:

  • New plants, such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, bushes, etc.
  • Soil, fertilizer, and mulch
  • Gardening gloves
  • Gardening tools, such as cultivator, trowel, and fork
  • Shovel